March 2020 Dinner Mtg

We had over 50 people at the meeting.  Special thanks go out to all involved in sending out reminders by phone and email.

There were so many different types of soup brought by our members.  All were delicious and we truly appreciate the participation.

Noble Brian Domian presided from the center of the room as the microphone wasn’t working (needs new batteries).

Brian reminded us that every Saturday morning the Deland Little Symphony (made up of amature musicians of all ages) uses our building for practice.  They are currently practicing music from “The Sound of Music” and “Phantom of the Opera.” They have offered to provide a free concert to our members.  We are trying to find a good date. Paul will coordinate.

Brian also reported that our restrooms have been redone.  Please make it a point to check them out some time soon.

We discussed ways that we can increase the use of the building.  Antique Car shows, Food Truck Saturdays, and Bingo Game nights, Craft and Art shows combined with Food trucks were all brought up.

Brian would like for people to contact him with any new ideas.

April’s Dinner will be ham provided by the Domians, and everyone bring sides. or deserts.  Please let us know what you are bringing (call Joy).