Well here we are in 2021! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year celebration. Well its that time when I get to say goodbye as your President and hand it over to Chuck Lindner . Joy and I have really enjoyed this past year although we look forward to spending more time socializing and less in the kitchen. The installation of officers will take place at our next regularly scheduled meeting on 11 January (cocktails at 6:00 PM, Dinner followed by Installation at 7:00 PM). Since the meal will be coming from a restaurant I really need a good count on who is attending so either RSVP on the West Volusia Web Site (https://wvshrineclub.org/) or email me directly at bdomian@icloud.com. The telephone committee will also be calling members early this week to help get an accurate count.
Many have asked me how Noble Paul Lanning is doing with his recovery from bypass surgery, I’m thrilled to report that I spoke with him again a couple days ago and he sounded fantastic! Unfortunately he will not be attending our next meeting so we’ll have to wait a little longer to welcome him back.
I want to say a special thanks to the many people that have helped throughout this difficult year; the ladies who have have helped with serving the food, decorating tables, providing desserts, chili, soups, etc and in general just being there, all of the officers this year for all of their support and effort, Illustrious Sir Bill Cianciola for serving as chief bartender as well as all of his helpers for pitching in as needed, and the membership in general for trusting me to lead the club.
Wishing everyone a safe and prosperous 2021,