14 June 2021 Dinner and Meeting at the West Volusia Shrine Club.
(Happy hour starts at 6:00 PM Dinner at 7:00 PM)
Area Events
- Please see the Bahia Shrine Calendar for Activities and Events.
Sickness and Distress
- M:. W:. Tommy L. Turlington Jr.Past Grand Master of Mason of Florida is back on his feet and doing well.
- Noble, Carlos Crispin.. Happy to report that Noble, Carlos is back up and doing well from his heart attack.
- Noble, Brian Domian had a foot operation and is at home doing well.
- Please let me know via text, email, or phone call if there is any more sickness and distress.
Old Business
- Rental Contracts –Noble Paul Lanning still has the responsibility for the rental contracts.
New Business
- Big News Sad News We are lost 1stVP Noble Cappy. Noble Cappy has moved to North Mississippi/ Memphis Area. Noble Cappy will be missed. May God Speed. With that being said, the 1stVP seat will be vacant, The position will be Protem for the rest of the year. Be thinking who this Noble is that wants to take on the position.
- The club has a new hot water heater installed behind the bar. It is needed for health and sanitation purposes following CDC guidelines.
- Discussion of getting a new floor was brought up,…. it’s the same floor that has been there since 1973,…. Bids have been submitted for the new floor and are being reviewed and awaiting a course of action, by the building committee.
- Also, while I’m talking about renovations Noble Brother Brian had the front door inspected and looked at,.. The front door needs to be repaired ASAP….the Building Committee has recommended a course of action to fix the problem. Awaiting contractor Bids.
If anyone needs any other dates, please send a text message to me or an email..
Please pass this on to any members that may not have electronic messaging.
Thank You Nobles and your Ladies of the Shrine.
All members and Friends are encouraged to attend.
Please bring your ideas for fun activities so we can use our building more often…
This month’s meal will be Pot Roast,..potatoes and carrots cook in Pot Roast,… Corn, …(frozen..not canned) …Rolls,…and Salad…all from Rhonda’s Kitchen,….All for a small donation of $10.00 per person … The Ladies will be providing their wonderful desserts.
My apologies for not having the News Letter out already, the site had a software glitch.
Noble Brother Chuck Lindner
WVSC President
Please forward this to any members who may not be on the list.
PS please check out the latest posts on our site…