Greetings Nobles and Ladies,
Hard to believe that it’s October already. I hope everyone made it through Ian without any huge problems. The club property came through without damage. Our October Dinner Meeting will be held on the 10th of October, social at 6:00 dinner and meeting at 7:00. As we discussed last month we are asking everyone who would like to compete to bring your best chili! The club will be providing salad, crackers and hot sauces. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as chosen by a panel of judges including Bahia’s 2022 Potentate Illustrious Sir Mark Zickefoose. If you bring chili please be sure to register so that you can get a number. The weather is supposed to start cooling off so this should be well timed. As always we ask that the ladies bring desserts for after the meal. For those not bringing chili there will be a $5 charge at the door.
The meeting will include the election of the officers for 2023 and planning for the upcoming Christmas festivities and the always popular Chinese gift exchange.
We hope to see as many of you as possible for this event and visit by the Potentate. Noble Gil will be calling as usual to try and get a count. If a few Nobles could please arrive by 5:15 to help setup and move tables and chairs it would be greatly appreciated.