Nobles and Ladies of West Volusia,
Welcome back from whatever adventures you had during the summer of 2020. I hope everyone is well and ready to come back to enjoy fellowship. At our meeting on September 14th we will be enjoying a special Guest, thanks to the efforts of Gill Ebert our Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood will be joining us to speak. Since the Sheriff recently recovered from COVID-19 and since there has been quite a bit of law enforcement activity I’m sure he will have lots to talk about. Because of our speaker we will have a very abbreviated meeting. Dinner will be spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, salad and (hopefully) lots of delicious desserts from the ladies. As always it is important to get a good count on the number of attendees, hopefully we will have a great turnout. You should all be getting a call in the near future.
Although the COVID-19 numbers are definitely trending in the right direction we will continue with the procedures we put in place for our last meeting. We will have volunteers wearing masks and gloves serving in the line rather than everyone helping themselves. Please bring a mask but we will have some available. Tables will be setup to maximize social distancing while still being able to enjoy each others company.
Its the time of the year where we need to think about officers for next year. As always we need people to volunteer. Tickets are still available for the Potentate’s Ball on September 19th. I will have tickets available at our meeting for Casino Night on I hope to see many of you tonight at the Bahia Stated Meeting.