Hello Nobles and Ladies,
I hope everyone is staying well during this difficult time. As I’m sure you all have guessed we will not be having a meeting in April due to the Corona Virus rules of social distancing. This has certainly added another challenge to not just everyone at Bahia but our entire country. I have not heard of anyone in the Shrine who has been infected with COVID-19 but that certainly does not mean that none of us has had it, does have it, or will have it which is of course makes it so scary. I urge everyone to do their best to abide by the guidance that our Federal and State Governments have recommended and stay safe. Its certainly disappointing that after our fantastic attendance in March that we have had this pause forced on us but please don’t let that keep you from using this time to reach out to others electronically to your friends and family during all this isolation. I can assure you that we will be back to meeting as soon as it is safe and allowed. Assuming and praying that we will be able to have our meeting in May we will still have our Easter ham dinner as was planned for April. I will be on an internet meeting this evening with the Divan members and if I learn anything important I will pass it on. We will again be calling everyone as soon as we know when we are having another meeting.