Nobles and Ladies of West Volusia Shrine Club,
I’m shocked that it is April already and our monthly meeting is barely more than a week away and Easter is 2 weeks from today! First I apologize for the lateness of this newsletter, Joy and I just returned from 4 days in Tampa for OG School. It was very informative about some of the ways our organization is changing (I’ll share a few of the interesting tidbits we learned at our meeting). Dinner this month for our meeting on Monday April 11th (Social at 6:00, dinner at 7:00) will be ham prepared by Joy and I, which of course isn’t enough which is why we need all of you great cooks out there to bring your favorite covered dish and desserts. If you don’t want to bring food, no problem, just bring money instead. Once we buy the ham and salad I’ll have a firm price but should be around $5 per person but the way inflation is might be more. You will be getting a call in the next few days so we can get a good count so we know how much to buy/prepare. If some of you could arrive around 5:30 we would really appreciate getting everything setup for the evening.
As a quick reminder the Stated Meeting at Bahia is this Thursday April 7th.
Hope to see all of you on the 11th!