I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for a great Christmas. Just wanted everyone to know what was decided at last night’s meeting. First the next meeting will be on January 10th (Social at 6:00PM, Dinner at 7:00PM). The menu will be “bring a soup”, the club will provide salad and fresh yeast rolls. Desserts are also of course welcome from the ladies. Second, although the January meeting is normally the installation of officers for the year the decision has been made to join a number of other Shrine Clubs in having the installation of 2022 officers at the Bahia Open Installation on January 9th at 1:00PM at the Bahia Shrine Center. I hope we have a good turnout! We will be resuming telephone reminders about a week prior to the meeting so that we can get an approximate head count of Nobles and their ladies who are planning on attending each meeting.
Just as a reminder 2022 dues are due and can be paid online at the West Volusia Website.
My Lady Joy and I want to wish everyone a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. If you are traveling please be safe and stay warm. We look forward to seeing all of you in 2022.